SEPTEMBER 22, 2024

The annual meeting of the North Shore Homeowners Association was held on September 22, 2024, with the required quorum in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by acting President Mr. Roman Bessonov at 4:08 p.m. Mr. Bessonov welcomed the members of the HOA.

Mr. Bessonov explained to the members that he had assumed the office of President ofthe HOA, with the full approval ofthe Board, with the departure of the elected President, Mr. Karl Moberg. At the time, Mr. Bessonov was the Vice President.


Mr. Bessonov read the minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting. The minutes were approved without discussion by a unanimous show of hands.


Mr. Bessonov read the Treasurer’s Report and stated that an audit had been performed by Mr. Bill McLay and Mrs. Pat Joye on 8/31/24 for the years 2022 and 2023. The Audit Committee found a few discrepancies in earlier 2021 obligations and made comment that they could not “fairly represent” the 2022 transactions of the HOA. The Committee did find that the Treasurer’s Income/Expenses and Balance did “fairly represent” the 2022 transactions. The Committee also recommended that the Committee assume the function of contacting those members delinquent in paying their dues and relieve the Treasurer of this duty.

The Treasurer’s Report also showed that funds “on hand” were $33,762.46. Dues collected were a total of $5,800 collected up to 9/21/24 with an outstanding amount of $1,800 in dues not paid. The Treasurer’s Report was then approved by a unanimous show of hands without discussion.


With the departure of the President, the Board members remaining were Roman Bessonov, Vice President (acting President), George Wyatt, Treasurer, and Bill Williams, Secretary, and Jarod Mize, Sargent at Arms.

Nominations were then opened for President. Mr. Roman Bessonov was nominated by Howard Waddell. There were no other nominations. By a show of hand in the majority, Mr. Bessonov was elected President.

Nominations for Vice President were opened. Mrs. Jody Patterson volunteered to be Vice President. With no further nominations, Mrs. Patterson was elected as Vice President by a show of hands in the majority.

The Treasurer’s position will be retained by Mr. George Wyatt so no nominations were made.

The Secretary’s office was opened for nomination. Mr. Williams was asked if he would remain as Secretary. With no other nominations. Mr. Williams accepted the position for another year.

The office of Sargent at Arms was opened for nominations. Mr. Mark Beck volunteered to assume this office. With a majority show of hands, Mr. Beck was elected as Sargent at Arms.


Covenants: At the last annual meeting, members voted in the affirmative to allow the Covenants to be “amended.” Mr. Wyatt arranged for an attorney to be at this meeting to address legal issues in amending the Covenants. We were informed in order to amend the Covenants it would require a “legal review.” In further discussions, it was decided to have an attorney review an amendment letter that had been previously prepared. Mr. McLay made the motion to get this started. Mrs. Pat Joye seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously. As of yet, this has not been done. Further action by the Board will be required to get this process started.

Mr. Williams suggested that a committee be formed to look into this matter and to review the existing Covenants as well as new Covenants to replace the old Covenants in their entirety.

Discussion then centered on the current Covenants and the issue of liens. In the past few years, the issue of liens has been a major concern. Many members voiced their concerns about not having the fiens as a viable option to restrict and prevent nonadherence to the Covenants. This issue witl be more fully addressed at future Board meetings and be presented to the HOA.

Dues: Mr. ChuckJoye and Mrs. Priscilla Jarrod suggested the dues remain at $100/lot. Mr. McLay made the motion and Mrs. Pat Joye seconded it. There was no further discussion, and the motion passed by unanimous hand vote.

Attendance at Board Meetings: A request had been made at the last annual meeting for members to be able to attend Board meetings. Members of the HOA may attend any Board meeting with a written request.


Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Reinstatement: In the past year, the Board had assumed the responsibilities of the ARC. The Board wishes to reinstate the ARC to a three-member committee to assume the duties of the ARC and to review and amend, if necessary, the previous Architectural Guidelines.

Mr. Bessonov asked for volunteers to be on the ARC. Mrs. Pam Williams, Mrs. Lynn McLay, and Mr. Howard Waddell volunteered to be members of the ARC. Note: Mr. Waddell asked to resign on October 5 due to private matters. A third member of the ARC is required.

Neighborhood Picnic: The possibility of having a neighborhood picnic was brought up. Mrs. Susan Miller, Mrs. Donna Beck, and Mrs. Lisa Horstkamp volunteered to look into a date of March, April, or Mayto have a pot luck picnic in the neighborhood with a location to be decided at a later date. Thank you, ladies!

Clean-up of Easements: Mr. Williams addressed the issue that a lot of the easements in our neighborhood need to be cleaned up from construction and other debris. We have the resources to do this. The Board will take up this issue at its upcoming meeting.

Dumping/Yard Clipping/Trash on Vacant Lots: Please be considerate and not dump your refuse on the vacant lots. You are responsible for your own trash and yard clippings. Please tell your contractors also not to dump on vacant lots.


Front Entry: Mrs. Susan Miller suggested we make the front entry more presentable by planting bushes or flowers. We have done this in the past. The Board will address this issue at its upcoming meeting.

Website: Mr. Bessonov has suggested that we build a website that will maintain information on our neighborhood for all to have access including meeting minutes, current e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and upcoming events. He has volunteered to start this process soon. There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 5:40.

Dues Update 2024

North Shore HOA                   June 21, 2024
PO Box 305
Sandy Springs, SC 29677

Dear North Shore Property Owners,

Thank you SO much for the payment response since that second notice a couple of weeks back. A lot has come in, so let’s keep up the good work. So far, we have collected $4,500, and I’ve heard from several who are planning to pay right away.

Here is an update (for your receipt purposes) on payments received: Lots 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13-15, 22, 23, 25, 30, 31-32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48-49, 50-52, 54, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 76, 77, 78, and 79 have now all been paid for 2024.

If you do wish to get your 2024 payment in, Please use the P.O. Box address listed above (Box 305) for mailing your check. I hope you are enjoying your Summer!

George Wyatt | Treasurer NSHOA

P.S. As always….if there are updates to contact information, feel free to add that in with your payment….Thank You!

Dues 2024

North Shore HOA June 8, 2024
PO Box 305
Sandy Springs, SC 29677

Dear North Shore Property Owner,
This is a follow up from the original Dues Notice (from April). So far, we have collected
$2,300. Although this is a good thing, we are a long way from the $7,600 (100%
participation) we need.
Thank you to those who have paid promptly. Lots 8, 13-15, 30, 31-32, 35, 37, 39, 40,
43, 44, 45, 48-49, 50-52, 64, 65, 66, and 67, please consider this your notice of receipt.

If you do wish to get your 2024 payment in, Please use the P.O. Box address listed
above (Box 305) for mailing your check. I hope you are enjoying your Summer!

George Wyatt | Treasurer NSHOA

P.S. As always….if there are updates to contact information, feel free to add that in with
your payment….Thank You!